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Monthly Archives: November 2021

5 Car Myths You Should Stop Believing

5 Car Myths You Should Stop Believing

We thought it would be fun to go over and debunk some common car myths. They might surprise you! Myth #1 - Premium gas is better than regular gas Unless your vehicle manufacturer requires explicitly premium gas, you don't need to get it as it won't offer you any additional benefits. It will have no impact on your vehicle performance or your engine's lifespan. Myth #2 - You need to warm up your car in the winter Thanks to improvements to modern oils and engines, newer cars don't need to be warmed up before you start operating your vehicle. While it's nice to get into a warm car on a brisk morning, it's not necessary and wastes gasoline. Myth #3 - Larger cars are safer It's easy to think that a bigger, heavier vehicle would be able to handle a car crash better than a small car. A small car can be considered less safe because of its smaller size and less weight. However, this is not the case in the 21st century, where smaller cars are equipped with the la ... read more