Posted on 12/22/2023
Uncomfortable temperatures can transform your car from a cozy haven to an unpleasant environment. Imagine setting out for a summer road trip, only to find the cool breeze of your air conditioning has turned into a mere puff of hot air. Or imagine you're trying to defrost your windshield on a frosty winter morning, but your heater decides it won't cooperate. These are tell-tale signs that your vehicle's A/C and heating system could be in distress. 1. Weak Airflow If you've cranked up the A/C or heater and the airflow feels as weak as a gentle whisper, it's time to pay attention. Blockages in the hoses, mold or mildew accumulation from residual moisture, or a tired ventilation fan can all lead to this issue. 2. Unusual Noises When you switch on the climate control and hear rattling, banging, or whistling sounds ... read more