Posted on 12/22/2014

Winter Brakes: As families head out to either; dodge family for the holidays or to gather with them, Bud’s wants your family to be safe in your vehicle. Most of the time we wait to feel a jerking or noise before having our brakes checked right? Well think about this, sitting in traffic with the heat blasting and the car stopping and going, stopping and going for hours in the joyful holiday traffic with the kids in the back fighting and the radio going in and out due to the weather and all of a sudden you press the brakes and your vehicle continues to roll into the car in front of you. You know no one was hurt, but you still have to get across three lanes to pull over safely and stand in the cold to exchange insurance information. Sounds fun right? A simple trip inspection at Bud’s Auto Repair and Transmission could have prevented that saving you time, frostbite, stress and frustrations. Actually because of our complimentary 29 point inspection with every service, even an o ... read more
Posted on 7/17/2014

So here I am (Sarah AKA Non-Mechanic), getting ready to take a camping trip with my family. The first thing I think of is making sure I have a tarp to cover my tent in case it rains when I’m sleeping. My guys here at the shop think about my vehicle and making sure it’s safe to make the 4 hour drive. While I keep up on my maintenance, the last thing they want to do is come save a fellow employee and her family and car full of camping gear from the side of the road. So, I ask a few questions and Dave, our newest mechanic gives me a rundown of some road trip maintenance that I need to do before next weekend. 1. Get your car in 2 weeks before your trip to make sure you have the time needed for any services 2. Bring your car to a reputable shop, not just an “Oil Change Place” so they can check out the whole vehicle and not just the oil 3. Ask the shop for a whole pre-trip inspection, Bud’s will do our b ... read more