Posted on 10/28/2022

Brakes are an essential part of your vehicle's control system. Therefore, an effective brake pedal should feel firm. However, your car should be checked immediately by your trusted mechanic to diagnose the issue if it feels spongy. Spongy brakes are not only frustrating but also dangerous. Here is what could make your brake system feel spongy. 1. Air in The Brake System Low brake fluid and the overheating caliper can lead to evaporation of the brake fluid and consequent air build-up in the brake system. Besides, when the bleeder valve is loose, your brake fluids can absorb moisture. The air bubble in the brake system can prevent the brake fluid from flowing correctly and compromise your brake system's hydraulic pressure. It would be best if you always flushed the brake fluid to remove air from the brake system. 2. Contaminated Brake Fluid Most drivers do not know what can contaminate the brake fluid. Debris and rust in the system, for one, is the primary contaminant. Rust ... read more