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Monthly Archives: January 2022

How Eating and Driving Can Be Dangerous

How Eating and Driving Can Be Dangerous

Nowadays, it's very easy to find access to food and restaurants on the road. With increased accessibility and the growing amount of fast-food establishments, people are more tempted to eat and drink during their commute. Though there's no shame in indulging in your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you should stop doing it behind the wheel. Eating and driving have negative consequences and pose risks. Here are three reasons alone why you should stop eating in your car: Eating and Driving is a Distraction First and most importantly, eating and driving is a huge safety concern. Of course, you're going to need one hand off the steering wheel to eat, causing you to compromise control. Also, you may have to take your eyes off the road to eat. It only takes seconds away for you to hit something. In conclusion, there's no easy or safe way to eat any food while driving as it takes away your hands and eyes. Eating in a Vehicle Is Messy Eating in the car can lead to a field mine o ... read more